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Professional Development and Life-Long Friendships!

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SWEet Organization

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        General meetings are held every other week on Wednesday at 7:00 pm.

        Taking roughly an hour, meeting's cover all aspect of life in college and the business world. Through fun activities and personal interactions with professional engineers, SWE has all you need to jump start your college or job experience!



Become a National Member


       Bradley SWE is one of many collegiate sections, all apart of the National Society of Women Engineers Organization. You can join the National Section for only $20! OR a one-time payment of $50 allows you to be apart of this dynamic group of individuals for ALL four years of college PLUS your first year afterwards. Being a national member allows you to attend both regional and national conferences, makes you eligible for scholarships, and provides you with a wealth of information through webinars, magazines, and fellow SWE members!


To join go to

under "Membership" near the top left click "Join"


If you would like to sign up for the 4-year $50 one time deal, your membership will be "Collegiate to Career (C2C)." If you aren't sure yet, you can choose the one-year "Collegiate" membership for $20.


Study Files


       College is hard, ask any SWE member and they'll agree. And lucky you, you picked some of the hardest majors out there! But also one of the most rewarding! Don't worry though, we're here to help. Becoming a part of the Bradley SWE section means you have access to our Study Files located in a Google Drive. Equipped with old textbooks, notes, and past exams, our Study Files are at your disposal. Don't be afraid to contact any exec member to get access to these files or for any other help in general!




       Each year the National SWE Organization hosts regional and national conferences that bring together both professionals and collegiate members. And guess what? You're invited!! And we'll be there too!! Conferences are filled with all sorts of workshops from 'How to Land an Internship' to 'Writing the Perfect Resume.' Looking to use that knowledge to actually get an internship or even a job for after college? There's a career fair too!!

       But conferences are more than all the professional events. You will be spending the weekend with all the ladies you have gotten to know throughout the school year. All camped out in a hotel together, there will be dinners and swimming and games and laughter!

       Pack your bags now because you won't want to miss this! Just make sure you become a National Member first!




Confused? Can't view something on the website? Having a hard time joining the National Section? Just want to talk? Email any one of the exec members and we will be more than happy to chat with you!


Want to know who you're emailing? Click HERE to learn about your exec members!

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Yearly Activities


       Each month, Bradley's SWE holds different bonding activites that takes you outside of the classroom and allows you get to know the ladies in SWE. In years past we have gone bowling, to Tanner's Orchard to pick apples, watched a Gilmore Girls marathon, and so much more! It's not just about professional development, it's about having fun!!


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